Thomson's Aviation Library


Welcome to Thomson's Aviation Library

Over 300,000 manuals to choose from

A Little About Us

Thomson's Aviation Manuals operates the largest, privately owned aviation technical library with over 300,000 manuals on our shelves all of which are  in order. We have the ability to give accurate information on every aspect of most aircraft and aircraft related items including size, performance, specifications, and technical photographs. 

Contact our knowledgeable staff for more information on our aviation manuals.


We specialize in the hard to find aircraft technical information including overhaul,
parts and accessory repair manuals. (Primarily US)

We are very experienced in research for manufacturers and legal cases.

We are not allowed to copy copyrighted material, however you are welcome to come and view them yourself at our facility.


Contact us in El Mirage, California, for a large variety of engines, accessories, avionics and aircraft manuals.